To develop, recruit, teach and train people, we aim to serve an inclusive and diverse section of society.

We will be reflecting on the communities where we work and to be seen as a charity of choice across diverse communities.

We believe that diversity enriches our performance, the communities, and the lives of our students and volunteers.

As our volunteer workforce evolves to reflect the growing diversity of the world we serve and the global marketplace we place our students, our efforts to understand, value, and incorporate differences become increasingly important.

All our staff are committed to ensuring that diversity and inclusion are integrated into the fabric of our charity.

Non-harassment and bullying policy.

The charity supports the rights of all people to seek, obtain and hold employment without harassment or bullying.

It is the Born to be Beautiful policy to make every effort to provide a working and studying environment free from harassment, bullying and intimidation (whether the harassment is on the grounds of gender, gender reassignment, marital status, civil partnership status, pregnancy, maternity, paternity, part-time and/or fixed-time, status, sexual orientation, age, disability, race, colour, nationality or national or ethnic origins, religion or belief, union membership status or otherwise).

Born to be Beautiful will not permit or condone harassment or bullying towards members of the community partner with whom the charity deals (including contractors, agency staff, consultants, clients, suppliers or indeed any persons visiting or working with the charity).

All members of the charity have a personal responsibility to behave in a manner which is not, nor is likely to be perceived as offensive to others.

The aim of this non-harassment and bullying policy (“the Policy”) is to draw attention to and seek to prevent all types of behaviour that amount to harassment or bullying and which are therefore unacceptable. Any person acting in breach of the Policy may be liable to disciplinary action.