Lale Akhrass
Lale Akhrass is an integrative psychotherapist and specialises in trauma recovery. She shares a private psychotherapy practice in London, providing support to children, young persons, families and adults. She has over ten years of experience of working therapeutically with children, young people and young adults with a complex range of needs and difficulties. She has also worked with parents, and provides guidance to parents and teachers.
Her previous career was in international finance and she has worked at J.P. Morgan for ten years. She has lived in many countries and has traveled extensively. This means she has a broad knowledge of different cultures which she brings to her work. She is married and has two teenage children.
A trauma survivor’s recovery depends upon the compassionate and loving support of a trustworthy person or support system. I see this premise in Born to be Beautiful’s mission and its ability to heal women who have endured unbearable circumstances. Therefore, as a trustee member, I want to help this charity grow in order to help more survivors who wish to restore trust, dignity and hope to their lives.
Cathy Clarke
Ever since I was a child I always felt moved and frustrated by injustice and poverty. Now I’m an adult nothing has changed except that I have the capacity and ability to influence others to do something. I’m not deterred by the enormity of the problem, although it can appear insurmountable, but am very aware that every statistic has a name and every name has a face and if I choose to do something for one then it’s making a difference.
I feel another vital step to this great mission is to then help people to become self sustaining. With education and training people are being empowered to go beyond dependency and hand outs to having the dignity of supporting themselves and their families.
If I can do something and encourage others to do the same then together we can make a significant difference. I believe that Born To Be Beautiful is a perfect conduit for connecting those with similar desires to those in greatest need and enabling them to step up out of poverty.
Charlotte Ryland
I first became involved with Born to be Beautiful in 2012 when looking for some local volunteer work. For me the charity stood out for its very clear and practical vision of how to transform lives. While women in the UK today have considerable freedom and opportunity, I am very aware that for millions in the rest of the world this is not the case. With a background in investment I was also interested in the power of education to provide people with the means to develop their own businesses and build a sustainable income for themselves and their families. Now as a trustee, I’m looking forward to helping Born to be Beautiful expand its valuable work in India and beyond.
Hannah Glover
Having been inspired to work with charities from a young age I am honored to become a trustee for this charity and ensure its continued impact across India and Africa. I have been involved with Born to be Beautiful ever since its beginnings. I have been on many of the charity trips on which I have watched the impact of the courses on the girls we teach in both the short and longer term; enabling them to lift themselves out of poverty is both exciting and humbling.
As a medical student I am a strong believer in giving the gift of education to women across the globe. I am passionate about teaching the girls anatomy and physiology on our courses as well as powerful hygiene skills to keep them and their families safe.