General Policy Statement This document set out definitions and interpretations of maladministration, and malpractice in relation to any teaching and learning activity imparted by Born to be Beautiful not a profit organization in any centre of its own. To set out the rights and responsibilities of students, tutors and in relation to malpractice and maladministration, in relation to learning. For this policy malpractice, it is defined as:

  • Any deliberate activity, act, neglect, default or other practice by an individual (learner, assessor, centre employee, or any other individual involved in providing a qualification), by a centre, or by an organization, which, deliberately or willfully contravenes or ignores the requirements of the regulatory authorities, or deliberately or wilfully subverts or compromises the integrity, validity or reliability of any assessment process and/or the validity of any certificates.
  • For this policy, maladministration is defined as Any administrative act, neglect, default or other practice by a centre or by an organization, which fails to comply with the requirements of the regulatory authorities or which otherwise, acts to the detriment of the interests of a learner

Actions that may Constitute Malpractice

  • Interfering with or gaining unauthorized access to assessment, test or examination papers before the designated time.
  • Destroying the work of another student
  • Acting in a disruptive manner in the context of assessment, qualifications or test.
  • Any kind of plagiarism.

Tutors and Personnel

  • Breaking the assessment or examination regulations of the Awarding Body.
  • Acting in a manner that undermines the integrity of assessment, test or examination.
  • Unfair discrimination in assessment (for example, on the grounds of age, sex, ethnicity, marital status etc.)